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CE & Module Policies

Important information about Pediatric Updates and our other CE modules, plus exam practice tests

PNCB Module Policies


  • PNCB modules are copyrighted and intended for single copy personal use only. Additional use or distribution is prohibited.
    • All module content (e.g., questions, answer options, and rationales) is the property of the Pediatric Nursing Certification Board (PNCB). 
    • Any journal or book references for modules are protected by publisher/author copyright. PNCB has purchased permissions for each article or chapter from various publishers who own the material. All module components are intended for single copy, personal use only, and are protected by copyright
  • Posting of any PNCB module content to another site is prohibited. Copying or distributing any content without the prior written permission from PNCB is an ethical violation subject to disciplinary measures listed within the Code of Ethics.


  • These activities are a useful tool for lifelong learning, but the information presented and/or associated references do not substitute for your clinical judgment as a health care professional. Read the full disclaimer below.


  • PNCB modules cannot be exchanged/swapped for another PNCB product under any circumstance. If you purchase a module title in error, a refund may be requested and only if the module has not been accessed.  To receive access to the intended module, the purchase must be made through your PNCB account.  Purchases cannot be made over the phone or through email.
  • Refund requests for Pediatric Updates, Alternative CE modules or Practice Test modules must occur within 30 days from the date of purchase.  
  • Requests must be submitted in writing to PNCB at
  • Requests received 30 days after the order date will not be honored.


  • Completion of Pediatric Updates, Alternative and Free CE modules, and Practice Tests must be done within 150 days from the purchase date. Visit your Portal and click on Online Modules for your specific due date(s).
  • Additional Recert information for PNCB certificants: Pediatric Updates are not automatically applied to your annual recertification application. If you want to apply a completed module to your recertification application be sure you do so between November 1st and January 31st to avoid a late fee. You will incur a late fee if enrolling during February. Modules completed more than 24 months from the date of Recert application submission will not be accepted for Recert enrollment.



Module Type Rules & Restrictions

Practice Tests and Free CE modules

  • Not eligible for reactivation

Pediatric Updates and Alt CE modules


  • Participants who do not earn a score of 70% or greater on their first attempt of Pediatric Updates, Alternative CE or Free CE modules will receive a second attempt at no cost. Your second attempt automatically opens in the same 150-day window (i.e., your original expiration date remains unchanged). Complete your module with a passing score before the expiration date to earn continuing education credits.
  • Exam Practice Tests do not issue retests but do offer unlimited attempts of the same content for the duration of the access period. 
  • Before attempting a retest, participants are encouraged to download / print / save their customized feedback report for continued learning for Pediatric Updates, Alternative or Free CE, and Practice Tests.  


  • Pediatric Updates or Alternative CE:  If you do not successfully complete a retest of a Pediatric Updates, or Alternative CE module with a score of 70% or above, please contact for next steps.
  • Free CE: If you do not successfully complete a 2nd attempt (retest) of a Free CE module, additional attempts are not available. 

Return to module/CE ordering


Last updated: March 17, 2021

PNCB Module Disclaimer

The information that PNCB makes available within its continuing education modules is intended for nursing professionals who provide care for the pediatric population. Nursing professionals use this information to update their knowledge in the context of specialized education, experience, and practice across the United States. Pediatric Updates modules are required for recertification for advanced practice nurses holding PNCB’s CPNP-PC and/or CPNP-AC credential.  Module content is therefore written at an advanced practice nursing level and includes diagnosis and management of pediatric health conditions.  Any health care professional who cares for children is welcome to order and complete these modules and may benefit from the learning provided within.

These activities are a useful tool for lifelong learning, but the information presented and/or associated references do not substitute for your clinical judgment as a health care professional. PNCB follows standard sets of editorial procedures for information disseminated in Pediatric Updates modules. However, we do not guarantee that the information provided in the Pediatric Updates is the most up-to-date knowledge available or that the treatments discussed are appropriate for any given patient. Each participant must evaluate the information within Pediatric Updates, Alternative CE, or Free CE modules within the context of his or her own expertise and state board authority to practice. As a health care professional, it is imperative to exercise professional judgment and diligence in evaluating any information before undertaking its use in treatment. We encourage individual confirmation of information, whether from that made available in our continuing education materials or when obtained through other sources.

When not specifically approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), off-label use of medications for children and adolescents will be identified in each learning module.

Consumers who review professional-level information should not rely on that information as professional medical advice, or use it to replace any relationship with a physician, nurse practitioner, or other qualified healthcare professional.

Views or opinions within journal articles are not necessarily those of PNCB. PNCB reviews articles and other literature used in continuing education modules for content relevant to the topic of interest to assure currency and accuracy of that material. References deemed to contain views or opinions incompatible with PNCB’s organizational goals and standards will not be used in our learning modules. References containing statements reflective of the authors’ views or opinions that do not detract from the relevant content of the article, while potentially not aligning with PNCB views, may be included in a learning module. 

PNCB Practice Test modules are a resource for individuals preparing to take a PNCB certification exam and are not a study or review course. Their purpose is to provide an opportunity for the user to answer questions representative of knowledge covered in the exam’s content outline and that are written in the same style used with exam questions (multiple-choice, single BEST response questions).  Taking a Practice Test module also offers individuals who are preparing for our exams a simulated testing experience that closely matches the structure and feel of a PNCB national certification exam. The user is advised that PNCB offers no assurances that the use of their practice tests will enhance actual exam performance or scores on the certification exam.

As with exams, questions used in our practice tests are written by subject-matter experts (SMEs) who hold the credential and have completed PNCB’s item writer training.  However, practice test questions do not undergo the same rigorous and formal development process  and statistical analysis required for questions used on certification exams. Also, because the processes used for developing questions for the certification exams and for the practice tests are distinct, questions are not shared between practice tests and current exams and different item writers are used.    

Before questions are used on a PNCB practice test they are subject to review by an additional layer of SMEs. PNCB also engages SMEs to assist in periodic currency reviews of practice test questions with the intent of ensuring the most current and relevant information is presented. Practice test questions in available modules may also be updated at any time based on currency issues (e.g., recently updated practice guidelines) as we strive to ensure content reflects current standards of practice. 

PNCB Practice Test modules are not graded in the traditional sense of providing a pass/fail result using a certain cut-point or score. This is because there is no reasonable/fair and standardized methodology for determining the minimal passing score for practice tests as is used (and required) for certification exams.  Since the practice tests are offered purely as a learning resource, instead of providing a score upon completion, the user receives information identifying which questions were answered correctly/incorrectly and the correct response. Many of our practice tests also provide feedback/rationale statements for each question intended to help the test-taker understand the knowledge addressed by the question. 

PNCB Certificate and Microcredential Policies


  • All certificate programs and microcredentials are copyrighted and intended for single-copy personal use only. Additional use or distribution is prohibited.
  • All content (e.g., questions, answer options, and rationales) is the property of the Pediatric Nursing Certification Board (PNCB). 
  • Any references are protected by publisher/author copyright. All components are intended for single copy, personal use only, and are protected by copyright. 
  • Posting of any PNCB module content to another site is prohibited. Copying or distributing any content without prior written permission from PNCB is an ethical violation subject to disciplinary measures listed within the Code of Ethics and legal action.


These activities are a useful tool for lifelong learning, but the information presented and/or associated references do not substitute for your clinical judgment as a health care professional. Read the full disclaimer below.


Certificate courses and Microcredential purchases are not refundable under any circumstances, and cannot be exchanged for another product.


  • All courses must be completed within the assigned 90-day window.
  • A one-time extension of 7 days is available with an additional fee and must be purchase before the end of the 90-day window.
  • Programs that are not successfully completed during the assigned time will require payment of the full fee and completion of ALL courses.


  • Assessments must be completed within 30 days of purchase. Three attempts are available during this window.
  • Assessments are timed and must be completed within one setting.
  • If an assessment is not successfully completed, an opportunity is available to purchase a retake.  
  • Additional opportunities are not available for purchase.

Created March 2024

Faces of Certification

PNCB-certified nursing professionals work in a variety of roles and settings throughout the US and beyond. Share your photo today!

Jill Davis, CPNP-PC, PMHS Harmony Health Clinic Fairfax, VA
Margot Bernardino, CPN Driscoll Children's Hospital Corpus Christi, TX
Tajmara Eaton, CPNP-AC, CPNP-PC Grand Valley Pediatrics Grand Junction, CO
View more Faces of Certification